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4.10.13 Portal Container Mesh Object

Written by Jorrit Tyberghein, (jorrit.tyberghein@gmail.com).

This is a special type of mesh object which basically represents a collection of portals. The portal container is not implemented as a seperate plugin but is built-in into the engine plugin. There is no type or factory interface for portal containers. They are created by the engine directly as mesh objects.

Object State Interface

‘iPortalContainer’ (residing in ‘CS/include/iengine/portalcontainer.h’) is the SCF interface that you can use to manipulate settings for a portal container. By using this interface you can access the portals contained in this portal container.

To create a portal container you need to use API calls in the engine: iEngine::CreatePortalContainer() and iEngine::CreatePortal(). Portal containers are normal mesh objects otherwise. They implement iMeshObject and are put in a sector like other mesh objects.

Object Loader

With normal mesh objects you have a specific loader plugin to load the mesh. Portal containers are loaded by the standard map loader instead. There are two basic ways to add a portal container to a sector. Either you use ‘portals’ to define multiple portals at once (in one portal container) or else you use a single ‘portal’ statement to create a portal container with one portal. In both cases you place it in a sector (it becomes a normal mesh object). In the case of ‘portals’ you can also add many regular mesh object statement like ‘move’ to move the portal and others. Here is an example:

<portals name="myPortal">
    <v x="0.2" y="2.8" z="-0.8" />
    <v x="0.2" y="2.8" z="0.8" />
    <v x="0.2" y="-1" z="0.8" />
    <v x="0.2" y="-1" z="-0.8" />
    <float />
    <clip />
    <v x="13" y="0" z="12" />

Here you see how a portal container with a single portal is created. The destination sector is ‘destSector’.

When you use the short-hand ‘portal’ statement you can't set mesh parameters like the position of the portal (you'll have to encode position in the vertices) and render priority.

Here is a list of all the tags supported by a portal object and their meaning (these tags are for usage inside the ‘portal’ statement and not directly inside ‘portals’):

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